International Federation of Standards Users
Standards make the world go round…
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Welcome to IFAN
The International Federation of Standards Users is an independent, non profit-
To learn more about IFAN read our newsletter which gives information on IFAN events, and includes articles written by IFAN members
International Women’s Day 2025
Join us on 7 March at 13.00 CET for a webinar, please contact for registration details.
New Board Member
The IFAN Board is delighted to welcome Mr Nicolas Fleury to the Board from 1st January 2025. Nicolas brings an impressive track record of leadership and innovation in the field of standardization.
We look forward to his contributions to advancing IFAN’s mission
December 2024 Newsletter published
The IFAN Newsletter for December 2024 is available by clicking on the Newsletter banner above the news items list.
The Newsletter includes a report on the 51st Members Assembly in Paris.
16th IFAN International Conference
The IFAN International Conference took place in Paris on the 24 September 2024, and was opened by Olivier Peyrat, CEO of the French National Standards Body, AFNOR. Mr Peyrat welcomed IFAN and the speakers to AFNOR and wished them a successful Conference.
The Conference opened with IFAN President Vered Oren talking to Sergio Mujica, Secretary-
The Conference session presentations can be viewed here
IFAN 50th Anniversary
In 2024 IFAN celebrates its 50th year as the International voice of Standards Users. As noted below we will be returning to Paris, where IFAN was founded, for our 50th Anniversary week.
The week runs from 22-
IFAN Members are invited to register for the events they would like to attend, details here.
The International Conference on Tuesday 24 September is open to both IFAN members and non-
The draft programme is here, and there are links in the programme for both Members and non-
The Conference is free of charge to all attendees, if you are not yet a member we encourage you to attend.
IFAN Board announcement
On 1st January 2024, our new President, Vered Oren, takes over from Ross Wraight, who will remain on the Board as Immediate Past President.
Also joining the Board is Martin Conrads our new Treasurer, who is taking over from Keith Wilson, who we thank for his service.
Also on the 1st January Ms Vivian Xia joins the Board, taking over from Dr Bernhard Angermaier, who steps down after 2 terms of office, we give our thanks to Dr Angermaier for his service.
Dates for 2024 Members’ Assembly and Conference
In this our 50th year we are very pleased to announce that we will be returning to Paris for our Members Assembly, Conference and associated meeting.
IFAN was founded in 1974 at an International Conference of National Standards Users Organizations and was held in Paris.
New IFAN Membership category
At the 50th Members’ Assembly, IFAN members approved a new membership category of Individual Membership, this category is open to persons who use standards in their day-
IFAN is pleased to announce its next President will be Ms Vered Oren
We are pleased to announce the election of Mrs. Vered Oren as next President, effective January 1st, 2024. Vered Oren becomes the first woman to ascend to this prestigious position, marking a transformative moment in IFAN's history.
You can read the full press release here.
IFAN President Mr Ross Wraight made a statement following the 50th IFAN Members’ Assembly and Workshop, which can be watched on YouTube
IFAN 50th Members’ Assembly & Workshop
The 50th IFAN Members’ Assembly, which is held in IFAN 49th year, will take place on Thursday 7th September, kindly hosted by BSI and BSS in London.
The Workshop will be held in the morning is an open session and everyone with an interest in Standards for users and AI and Standards, can register, the draft Workshop Agenda can be found here.
A guest registration form can be found here.
SES Standards & Innovation Forum
IFAN Member, SES, are holding an online forum on Standards and Innovation on 13-
IFAN Webinar: ISO 45003 -
In an ever-
The webinar can be viewed here
Report on IFAN International Survey Published
We are pleased to announce the results of our International Survey have been published.
In the survey we sought insights from companies that use standards in their day-
Here is a short PDF, describing the findings.
If you would like a copy of the full report, please email: and we would be delighted to send you a copy.
IFAN Newsletter May 2023 published
The May Newsletter is now available, this issue has a focus on standards education and training, as well as a report on the 2023 SES Conference and International Women’s Day activities.
To read it please click on this link.
IFAN Guide 3 Revision
The 2023 revision of IFAN Guide 3 Guidelines to assist members of standards committees in preparing user-
International Women’s Day 2023
To celebrate International Women’s Day, we have made a short video, please click here to view.
IFAN Webinar: The changing needs of Standards Users -
The webinar is now available to view on YouTube by clicking here
An abstract, details of speakers can be found by clicking here
IFAN Newsletter December 2022, now available
The latest IFAN Newsletter is now available, it includes a report on the IFAN week in Berlin; ISO GA session hosted by IFAN and SII; a report on the IEC GM; and a link to the IFAN survey.
Please click her to download a copy
15 November 2022, IFAN Launches major survey to gather standards users views
IFAN Working Group 3 on Standards Distribution and Access has developed the first of a series of annual surveys. This survey is intended to generate data on the needs of Standards Users worldwide. The data will allow IFAN to better serve the needs of the user community as well as those who generate standards, please use the link below to fill in the survey.
Please click here to access the survey
IFAN asks for your assistance to distribute and promote this survey. Please send this request to any standards users you are in contact with. This survey is anonymous, and closes on 15 January 2023.
IFAN is offering a copy of the report to those who fill in the survey, if you would like to receive a copy please contact us after completing the survey at:
IFAN Workshop 2022
On the 18 October IFAN held a workshop in association with its annual Members’ Assembly. Speakers:
The Workshop was facilitated by Ms Vered Oren, IFAN Board.
The speakers Presentations can be found here
The 49th IFAN Members’ Assembly
We are pleased to announce that the 49th IFAN Members’ Assembly will take place on Tuesday 18 October 2022, in Berlin Germany, kindly hosted by IFAN member ANP and DIN.
Registration is now open, Members can register for the whole event and non-
Members have been sent their registration documents and non-
IFAN Newsletter No 1 of 2022, now available
IFAN’s latest newsletter is now published [19 April] and includes an update on IFAN Working Groups, a report on IFAN’s latest video and an article ‘Words matter’.
Please click here to download a copy
IFAN’s International Womens Day film -
In celebration of IWD, the IFAN webinar team have produced a short video.
The video features women in standardization -
With thanks to IFAN Members: Vivian Xia, CAS; Karen Reczek, SES; Sonya Bird, SES; Isabelle Heller, ACANOR;
Vered Oren, ISUS; Andrea Beddard-
And thanks also to our our friends: Athina Panayiotou, CYS; Eve Gadzikwa, SAZ; Noelia Garcia, ISO; Julie Hunter, CPIN; Elena Santiago, CEN-
The video can be viewed on the IFAN YouTube Channel, the link is here
IFAN Newsletter No 2-
The second IFAN Newsletter of 2021 is now available, it contains a report on the IFAN Webinar; a review of ISO 45000 and an IFAN paper on publishing standards in small parts.
Please click here to download a copy
48th IFAN Members’ Assembly
IFAN is pleased to announce that its 48th Members’ Assembly will be held on Wednesday 29 September 2021, with a start time of 7.00 BST & Kinshasa/ 8.00 CET/ 9.00 Tel Aviv/ 14.00 Beijing/ 17.00 Sydney/ 23.00 San Francisco/ 01.00 [30 Sept] Houston.
The 2021 MA will again be a virtual event.
IFAN Webinar: The importance of standards to business
The latest IFAN Webinar examines the benefits to users of getting involved with standardization. Our four panelists are Terry Hill (business leader in the technology sector and former Chair of the Arup Group), Tuvia Liberman (CTO of Teldor Cables and Systems Lts and Teldor Telecoms Ltd), Laurent Oberle (Socomec), and Ross Wraight (CEO of the Standards Group and IFAN President. Our moderator was Keith Wilson, IFAN Treasurer.
The recording can be watched on YouTube:
IFAN President speaks in Kinshasa Conference
On 13 April 2021 Ross Wraight, IFAN President spoke at a meeting organised by IFAN Member APROMEN. and held at the Federation of Enterprises of Congo [FEC] about the benefits to business of using standards.
The talk helped business leaders understand the concept of standardization, its importance to trade and the advantages to FEC members particularly in relation to the African Continental Free Trade Zone [ZLECAF].
Further details: Link here
IFAN Webinar on International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on progress made by women, to call for change and to celebrate acts of leadership by women, who have played an extraordinary role in standardization. The IFAN Webinar: Women Leadership in time of crisis was held on 8 March 2021 and seven women in standardization together IFAN Board Member and Moderator Vered Oren discussed their perspective on standardization during the Covid 19 Pandemic.
The recording can be watched on YouTube:
IFAN Newsletter 1-
The latest IFAN Newsletter is now available and has articles on the Teenagers Standardization Olympiad; News from IFAN Member APROMEN; Women in Standardization and the IFAN Webinar on International Women’s Day.
The Newsletter can be read here.
IFAN Welcomes new Board member and new Vice-
On the 1st January 2021 Mr Bertin Ntumba Bululu joined the IFAN Board starting his first term of office. Mr Ntumba Bululu is President of Association pour la Promotion de la Métrologie et la Normalisation en République Démocratique du Congo (APROMEN), based in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Mr Ntumba Bululu is keen to start an IFAN Africa Group and proposes to introduce IFAN to colleagues who are standards users in other African countries.
APROMEN recently held a ‘Standards Month’, and recalled the event in a Newsletter which can be read here.
Also on the 1st January Ms Claudia Bach began her first term as IFAN Vice President (Corporate), Ms Bach represents Society for Standards Professionals (SES) the IFAN member for the USA and Canada.
Ms Bach is Joint Chair of IFAN Working Group WG3 Standards Access and Distribution.
The IFAN European Group announces the publication of Guide 5
At the 47th IFAN Members’ Assembly the IFAN European group announced the publication of its new Guide 5 Introduction to the world of European standards for standards users.
This guide is intended to give some basic information on the European standardization system to the beginner, who has just started to work in an organization that uses standards.
Guide 5 can be downloaded here.
All IFAN Guides are available on the Publications tab.
IFAN Participates in ISO Members’ Webinar
As part of its 2020 virtual GA, ISO ran a series of Webinars for members and invited IFAN to participate in the first one: Meeting the needs of users. A report on this event will be in the next Newsletter.
The meeting can be viewed on YouTube at this link.
Please click on the banner to go to the latest IFAN Newsletter
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