Structure of IFAN
Organization chart
The current structure of the Federation is presented below. It includes the Members' Assembly, the Board, working and project groups, and the Secretariat.
The Members' Assembly
The Members' Assembly is a meeting of delegates nominated by the members and the Officers (President, the Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer and the Secretary). The IFAN Members' Assembly meets at least once each year, usually in September to November. Its agenda includes, inter alia─
reports on follow-up actions with regard to IFAN resolutions,
reports on IFAN Board activities,
status reports on projects,
annual financial report, and
election of IFAN Officers and Board members.
The Members' Assembly is hosted, as a rule, by one of the IFAN member organizations.
The Board
The operations of IFAN are governed by the Board consisting of the President, the Immediate Past President (if appropriate), the two Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer and four additional elected members and the Secretary. The Board usually meets face-to-face twice a year and at other times when required by audio conferencing.
Working and project groups
Working and project groups are created by the IFAN Board respectively for carrying out regular tasks or for the development of specific projects. The objectives of such groups are set up within the framework of the IFAN objectives. Working and project groups are composed of the representatives of IFAN members and may also include representatives of organizations cooperating with IFAN. The list of current working and project groups is given in the section "Working and project groups".
The Secretariat
The Secretariat of the Federation is composed of the Secretary and the staff assisting the Secretary to perform his/her duties which include, inter alia: organization of the meetings of the Members' Assembly and the Board; preparation of agendas and relevant working documents for the meetings; composition and distribution of the minutes and reports on the meetings; and execution of resolutions of the Members' Assembly and of decisions of the Board.